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What size water heater do I need for my home?

Joe from Benjamin Franklin Plumbing standing outside his van getting ready to service a home in Daytona BeachYour water heater is like the unsung hero of your household. From helping you with bathing and washing dishes to warming up the water in your washing machine, this is one of the most essential appliances you will ever own. But how do you know what size water heater to purchase for your home? First, it’s always a good idea to pull an expert in for a consultation. You may want to reach out to Benjamin Franklin Plumbing for a professional assessment of your needs.

How Many Gallons a Day Per Person?

To figure out how much hot water your house will need, you might want to do a bit of math. With the average person requiring about 25 gallons of hot water per day, you have to allocate about 75 gallons for a family of three. You’ll also want to consider your “peak hours” of needing hot water. After all, you want to have enough hot water available when you need it most. Is there a particular time when a lot of people in your house want to simultaneously take showers and do laundry? For many households, the peak hours might occur in the morning — just as everyone is trying to do their chores and go to their workplaces and school.

How Many Gallons of Hot Water Do Common Activities Require?

Here are some estimates for the amount of hot water you will need during the day:

  • Load of Laundry Requiring Hot Water: 20 gallons
  • Dishwasher: 8 gallons
  • Shower: 10 gallons
  • Bath: 20 gallons

Let’s say you have one person in your house taking a shower, another person taking a bath, and yet another person using the dishwasher. This means that your peak usage will be around 38 gallons. This is what you will want to take into account when deciding what size water heater to purchase. Also, don’t forget about future family members! If you’re thinking about growing your family, then leave some space for extra people in your calculations.

What Is the Climate Like in Your Town?

Did you know that houses in colder climates may require larger or more powerful water heaters? During the winter, for example, it takes a lot more energy for a heater to warm up water in Maine than it does in Miami. When you’re thinking about the best water heater for your home, don’t forget to take the local climate into account.

Tank or No Tank?

One of the most important decisions you’ll need to make is whether you’d prefer a tank or tankless water heater. Think about the capacity your household might require. There is also something called an FHR (First Hour Rating), which tells you what quantity of hot water can be processed by the heater within 60 minutes. The tankless water heater, meanwhile, will just warm up water when called upon — there is no storage tank for water. For tankless water heaters, you’ll see a rating of GPM (Gallons Per Minute) that lets you know how much hot water can be processed by the appliance.

Do You Have Efficiency on the Mind?

For some households, it’s all about efficiency and cutting down on water usage. If this is the case, then everyone in the house can communicate their expectations for shower time limits and other water-saving methods before you purchase the new water heater. Also, there are a lot of great energy-saving water heaters on the market. Look for heaters with the Energy Star logo or a listing of the UEF (Uniform Energy Factor).

Guidelines for Water Heater Size

Taking all of the above into consideration, here are some guidelines for water heater size in accordance with the number of people in a household:

  • 2-Person Household:
    • Tank: No less than 30 gallons
    • Tankless: No less than 3 gallons per minute
  • 4-Person Household:
    • Tank: No less than 60 gallons
    • Tankless: No less than 7 gallons per minute
  • 6-Person Household:
    • Tank: No less than 70 gallons
    • Tankless: No less than 9 gallons per minute

There’s Something Wonderful about Water Heaters

Acquiring a new water heater can be exciting and fun. The newer appliances work so quickly and efficiently that it can really add to your day-to-day experience in the home. To purchase a water heater that is the correct size, it’s important to calculate your approximate needs and then to consult with a professional plumber who can weigh in on your assessment as well. When you make the right choice, you’ll be very happy for years to come.