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How often do homes need to be repiped?

Benjamin Franklin Plumber looking out the window of his van getting ready to service a water heaterHomeowners have to deal with a wide variety of costly projects on a regular basis. One of these is plumbing. It seems as though homes are always dealing with leaks, lost pressure, or broken toilets. These issues are sometimes an example of a home that needs to be repiped. Some plumbing systems may be decades old and may lose thousands of gallons of water every year through costly leaks and breaking fixtures. It is important for homeowners to know the signs of weakened pipes so that they can fix the problem with as few headaches as possible.

Reasons for homes to be repiped

There are several different reasons why homes should be repiped. One of these is because of general age of pipes and components. A number of pipe materials break down over decades and cannot hold water without a seal. These materials breaking down are one of the most common reasons for a home needing entirely new piping. Another common reason is faulty installation. A poor installation could lead to cracks, poorly fitted components, and broken conduits that make failure relatively frequent. Finally, there is the possibility of trauma from outdoor forces such as a tree falling through a roof or an installation of an appliance that goes wrong. If this problem is substantial enough, it can cause pressure problems throughout a home that put great strain on a piping system.

How often do homes need to be repiped?

The frequency of pipe replacement in a home depends on the factors that may make pipes break down. Homes with some form of metal pipe will often need to be repiped every few decades. That time span can decrease drastically if the piping is installed poorly. Weather and the possibility of rust in coastal environments may also play a factor. A home may need to be repiped after the span of a few years. In some instances, it may not need to be repiped for four or five decades. A trained plumber can show when piping has inherent problems and needs to be remedied.

What to do

Anyone who has a significant number of plumbing issues or an older home needs to hire an expert like those at Benjamin Franklin Plumbing and have their plumbing examined. The expert will look at a number of key areas and use a battery of tests to determine the overall strength of a home’s piping system. If the problem is small and can be fixed quickly, they may simply patch an area or replace a pipe or two. But they can determine if a more comprehensive job needs to be done and what approach will fix the problem. Only by working with trained professionals can homeowners learn when and how their pipes need to be replaced.